PostHeaderIcon Treasured Old Sayings


I found this collection of inspiring sayings that I had looked at often long ago...the paper was yellowed with age. You could see that all had been much loved.

What do I care for the wind and rain,
Or the clouds in the sullen, grey sky?
To me, ‘tis ever a fair, bright world,
Beloved, when you are nigh.

Do the good that’s nearest,
’Though it’s dull the whiles;
Helping, when you meet them
Lame dogs over stiles.

Help me to need no aid from men,
That I may help such men who need.

Beautiful hands are always found
Where the heaviest duties lie.

Things can never go badly wrong
If the heart be true and the love be strong.
For the mist, if it comes, and the weeping rain
Will be changed by the love into sunshine again.

The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight;
But they, while their companions slept
Were toiling upwards in the night.

The moonlight and the roses,
The dayspring and the dew...
I love them all, but only
For love of you...of you.

Do what you can, being what you are;
Shine like a glow-worm, if you cannot be a star.

Be swift to love; make haste to be kind.

Oh! This should be a happy world to all who may partake it.
The fault’s our own if it is not. This life is what we make it.