An elderly gentleman, very studious and learned, with three doctorates to his name, was relating a story of his youth...
As a young doctor, he was on his way to a Roman Catholic hospital in the Congo region in Africa in what must have been about 1954. Having made the acquaintance of the pleasant nuns at the establishment, he was then shown where he would work, and told what was expected of him. ‘Now you must go and meet Father Martin,’ they said, and took him to the young priest who courteously greeted him. They chatted a while, and during the conversation, the doctor asked the priest...what was his full name?
‘Martin Bormann,’ he replied to the astonishment of his listener. On seeing the look of surprise and wonder, he added, ‘Yes, Martin Bormann, Adolf Hitler’s right hand man, was my father.’ And he proceeded to tell of his relationship with the fuhrer.
Adolf Hitler would visit the family at times, always bringing with him the same sort of gift, a set of lead soldiers clad in the uniform of the German Army. Being about seven when World War II began, young Martin would play with these well made toys.
His strict father was a disciplinarian, and would expect his son to greet Hitler with the usual raised right arm salute, saying ‘Heil Hitler!’ as he did so. Once, however, when the youth was about twelve, towards the end of the regime, young Martin refused to salute the leader. Dismayed, the father punished his son severely with a robust belting and confinement to his room.
Young Martin escaped and ran away, never to return. He headed south, towards Bavaria, being befriended by strangers along the way. At last, he left Germany behind, and eventually was taken in by a group of Catholic nuns. He made his life with them, forsaking his own religion for theirs. Eventually, he became a priest, the one our doctor friend met in the Congo.