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I was recently on The Morning Show, Channel 7. It was all about my new book 'Gardening in Your Nineties, the sequel to Sex in Your Seventies.' In this latest book of mine, a nonagenarian (moi), who wrote the successful book 'Sex in Your Seventies', tells of her efforts at gardening after a life of some experience at tilling the soil. She deals with everyday problems and reveals her own solutions. But as she works away, her mind wanders to her past long life. She talks of her childhood on the dairy farm on the Logan, and remembers her many subsequent adventures... being a district midwife in England, hitch-hiking on The Continent in 1954, opening her own Art Gallery, going to university at 71...which will keep her readers enthralled as they travel this interesting journey with her. Through it all, there is woven a love story that may, or may not be resolved. To obtain a copy of this lovely book go to